Sunday, August 22, 2010

Cast On: Doctor's Bag (Update #1)

So this is my first update on my project for my mother...the devil spawn of a bag!  I have finally completed a small portion of the Doctor's Bag, though it isn't one of the major is enough to keep me motivated to keep going!! 
Here is what I've done:

 Pretty awesome, huh? huh? huh?!?

Hopefully this one side piece will be the beacon of light to help guide me through the dark, foreboding, seemingly-never-ending tunnel that is this project!  I have to say that I'm not entirely happy with the way that it turned out...the edges look wonky to me, but maybe they are suppose to be and will be covered up with the joining stitches later can dream!  That is, if I make it that far!  Wish me luck!


  1. It looks really cool! I am definitely enjoying the pattern that's starting to develop :)

  2. Ohh that's some lovely herringboning you have going on there. Even stitches, it looks like!
